16 Oct Let’s Face It
Let’s face it, we are real estate guys at Presario. We live and breathe it every day. But we are also investors. Is there a difference? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Often the two overlap and sometimes they diverge.
These days real estate investing is a hot commodity. Today everyone wants to be in the property market, but that has not always been the case. There have been times when “real estate” was down nationally and the masses shied away from it for one reason or another. Frankly, that is when the professionals make their biggest profits because real estate is a local business, not a national statistic. When something is out of favor, it usually has one direction to move, which is usually up. A savvy investor can take advantage of those conditions. A real estate pro will know the typical trajectory and value of an undervalued property and can take advantage. An investor always likes to “buy low and sell high.”
That’s not the case today. It seems that everyone wants to take advantage of the benefits of real estate. People who have never been in the sector are now wading in. These are the late adopters, who often wait until social proof is strong enough to encourage them to act. Others are harvesting stock market returns and looking to real estate to harbor and grow their money. In addition, larger institutional investors are searching for yield by investing in real property. This is driving up asset prices. It is during these times that someone with an investor mindset looks to hedge his bets. There are always good deals in the real estate marketplace, but it requires years of experience to unearth them in a robust market.
Our goal, as always, is to serve our investors and provide a stable risk-adjusted return regardless of the market conditions. If the sector is frothy, we want to preserve your capital and grow it as fast as the market will allow. If property is out of favor, that often allows us to improve returns on opportunities that might seem risky to the uninformed. We firmly believe that idle cash loses value and that ownership of hard assets is the best way to hedge against inflation and loss of principal. That is precisely why our founders continue to keep their personal funds working and why we believe you should too. We strive to be ahead of the curve, open-minded and always on the search for ways to put capital to work.
It is here that we are fusing the investor and the real estate mindset. We believe that times are good now and that it is prudent to continue investing, but selectively. We also feel that it is an appropriate time to explore other avenues that can grow your money. In the weeks to come, you might see some offerings that have a slightly different twist from our past projects but exhibit compelling metrics. These opportunities have been developed through the creativity of our fabulous team and through relationships that have been nurtured over time.
Over the next several quarters, we will continue to pursue investment opportunities in our core multifamily business. Additionally, we will look for projects that we feel will grow and protect your capital outside of the traditional multifamily offering. We will have some debt offerings and some projects that are within our field of expertise but are not traditional multifamily. If an asset is not a core competence, we will partner with an expert in that field to assure operational efficiency. We believe these options will give you broader choices to help you reach your investment goals.
So, at Presario, we are real estate professionals and we are investors with combined decades of experience. We have seen good times and bad, and our goal is to use that knowledge to conservatively create wealth for all of us. We will continue to grow, stay nimble, and seek ways to serve our friends and investors.
Look for our new offerings in the coming weeks and feel free to call Darin, Tom or Allyson if you have questions.
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